You are viewing the legacy version of AdonisJS. Visit for newer docs. This version will receive security patches until the end of 2021.


Keeping web applications secure is one of the most important things. AdonisJs comes with a bunch of security and data sanitization layers to keep your web apps away from common attacks.

If you find any security bug, make sure to share it on Please do not create a GitHub issue, since it may impact the applications running in production. We will disclose the issue after pushing the patch for the bug.

SQL Injection

SQL injection is one of the most common web attacks, where the end user will make use of the inputs and will pass the SQL query instead of the username, email, etc.

Lucid models and database query builder will make sure to run prepared statements which in turn saves you from SQL injection. Whereas your application may have requirement of running raw SQL queries, instead of using the query builder method, so it is recommended to take advantage of the raw method and pass bindings as parameters.

Not Recommended
const username = request.param('username')
const users = yield Database
  .where(Database.raw(`username = ${username}`))
Correct Way
const username = request.param('username')
const users = yield Database
  .where(Database.raw('username = ?', [username]))


  • Make use of database provider or lucid to perform database operations and never run direct SQL queries.

  • Make sure to sanitize user data using sanitizer to keep your database secure.

  • Always run prepared statements statements by passing query values as an array to the raw method.

Session Security

Sessions can leak important information if not handled with care. AdonisJs will encrypt and sign all the cookies using the APP_KEY defined in .env file. Make sure to keep APP_KEY secret and never share it with anyone and never push it to version control systems like Github.

Session Config

Session configuration is saved inside config/session.js file you can configure options as per your requirements and make sure to give notice to following key/value pairs.

Important Settings

  • Make sure httpOnly is set to true. Keeping it to false will make it accessible using Javascript via document.cookie.

  • Also sameSite property makes sure that your session cookie is not visible/accessible from different domains.

Forms & Views

To keep the development cycle simple and productive, AdonisJs ships with some features that you may want to consider before releasing your website to the public.

Form Method Spoofing

HTML forms are only capable of making GET and POST requests, which means you cannot make use of all HTTP verbs to perform RESTful operations. To make this easy AdonisJs let you define the HTTP method as a query string inside the URL which is known as Form method spoofing.

Route.put('/users/:id', 'UserController.update')
<form action="/users/1?_method=PUT" method="POST">

Setting _method=PUT will convert the HTTP method to PUT instead of POST. This makes it so easier to make use of any HTTP verb by simply spoofing it. Here are a couple of things you should be aware of.


  • AdonisJs will only spoof methods when actual HTTP method is POST which means making a GET request with _method will have no effect.

  • You can turn off the form spoofing by setting allowMethodSpoofing=false inside config/app.js.

    http: {
      allowMethodSpoofing: false

Injecting IoC Container Bindings To Views

AdonisJs makes it simple for you to use IoC container bindings within your views which means you can access Lucid models from your views to fetch data from the database. Learn more about injecting providers

This feature can open some serious security holes if your views are editable by the outside world. For example, You are creating a CMS using AdonisJs and want your users to create reusable view partials. The end user can fetch the User Model inside their partial and can delete all the users.


  • Make sure to set injectServices=false inside config/app.js file.

    views: {
      injectServices: false
  • If making use of service injection, make sure your views are not editable by the outside world.

File Uploads

Attackers often try to upload malicious files to the server and later execute those uploaded files to gain access to the server or perform some destructive actions.

Not only files are uploaded to acquire the server access, often you will find people trying to upload huge files so that your server stays busy in uploading files and start throwing TIMEOUT errors for other requests.

To handle this bit, AdonisJs let you define the maximum upload size to be processed by the server which means any file greater than the specified size will be denied without processing and keeps your server in a healthy state.


  • Make sure to set maxSize inside config/bodyParser.js file.

    uploads: {
      maxSize: '2mb'
  • Never store uploaded files inside the public directory, since files in public directory can be accessed directly.

  • Always rename files before uploading.

  • Never share the actual location of the file with the end users. Instead, try to save the file reference inside the database with a unique id and setup a route to server the file using the id.

    const Helpers = use('Helpers')
    Route.get('/download/:fileId', function * (request, response) {
      const fileId = request.param('fileId')
      const file = yield Files.findorFail(fileId)'uploads/${file.path}'))