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HTTP Middleware is a layer of methods executed before your Routes actions. They have more than a single use case. For example:

The body parser middleware is responsible for parsing the request body. Whereas the Auth middleware is used to authenticate the requests and throw 401 Exception if the user is not authenticated.

Middleware can:

  1. Decorate request object and add values to it.

  2. Respond to a given request, without reaching your route action.

  3. Or to deny requests by throwing errors.

Global Middleware

Global middleware is defined inside app/Http/kernel.js file as an array and get executed on every request in the sequence they are registered.

const globalMiddleware = [
  // ...
  // ...

Named Middleware

Named middleware on the other hand are registered with a unique name and you are required to assign them manually on routes. For example: The auth middleware is used to protect routes from unauthenticated users.

const namedMiddleware = {
  // ...
  auth: 'Adonis/Middleware/Auth'
  // ...
  .get('accounts/:id', '')

// or'auth-routes', () => {
  Route.get('accounts/:id', '')

Creating A Middleware

Application middleware lives inside the app/Http/Middleware directory. Each middleware is a single dedicated ES2015 Class with a mandatory handle method.

Let’s make use of ace to create a middleware.

./ace make:middleware CountryDetector

# create: app/Http/Middleware/CountryDetector.js
'use strict'

class CountryDetector {

  * handle (request, response, next) {
    yield next

  1. The handle method is an ES2015 generator.

  2. Similar to your controller methods, it also receives request and response instances with an additional parameter next.

  3. Make sure to call yield next when you want your middleware to pass the request to the next middleware or route action.

  4. Also, you can end the request with the help of the response instance.

Now let’s build upon our CountryDetector middleware to detect the visitor country based upon their IP address.

'use strict'

const geoip = use('geoip-lite') // npm module

class CountryDetector {

  * handle (request, response, next) {
    const ip = request.ip() = geoip.lookup(ip).country
    yield next


Next, we need to register this as a global or named middleware based upon the nature of the application. Let’s register it as a global middleware for now.

const globalMiddleware = [
  // ...
  // ...

Congratulations! Now all Http requests will have the country property since we are decorating the request instance.