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Traits make it possible to add functionality to models from the outside in.

Using model traits, you can:

  1. Add new methods to your model class.

  2. Listen for model hooks.

  3. Add methods to the Query Builder instance for a given model.

Creating a Trait

Traits are stored in the app/Models/Traits directory.

Use the make:trait command to generate a trait file:

> adonis make:trait Slugify
✔ create  app/Models/Traits/Slugify.js

Traits require a register method receiving the Model class and an customOptions object as its parameters:

'use strict'

class Slugify {
  register (Model, customOptions = {}) {
    const defaultOptions = {}
    const options = Object.assign(defaultOptions, customOptions)

module.exports = Slugify

Registering a Trait

Add a trait to a Lucid model like so:

const Model = use('Model')

class User extends Model {
  static boot () {

Registering a Trait with Options

If required, you can pass initialization options when adding a trait:

const Model = use('Model')

class User extends Model {
  static boot () {
    this.addTrait('Slugify', {useCamelCase: true})

The options you pass will be forwarded to the trait’s register() method.

When passing options, it’s recommended you define default trait options like so:

const _ = require('lodash')

class Slugify {

  register (Model, customOptions) {
    const defaultOptions = {useCamelCase: false}
    const options = _.extend({}, defaultOptions, customOptions)

module.exports = Slugify

Extending Model Methods

Use traits to add static and instance model methods:

class Slugify {

  register (Model, options) {
    // Add a static method
    Model.newAdminUser = function () {
      let m = new Model()
      m.isAdmin = true
      return m

    // Add an instance method
    Model.prototype.printUsername = function () {

module.exports = Slugify

Adding Model Hooks

Use traits to hook into database lifecycle events:

class Slugify {

  register (Model, options) {
    Model.addHook('beforeCreate', function (modelInstance) {
      // create slug

module.exports = Slugify

Extending Query Builder

Use traits to add macros to a model’s Query Builder:

class Slugify {

  register (Model, options) {
    Model.queryMacro('whereSlug', function (value) {
      this.where('slug', value)
      return this

module.exports = Slugify
await User.query().whereSlug('some value')