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AdonisJs has first class support for Redis built on top of ioredis with a better pub/sub API.

Configuration, events API and all ioredis methods are 100% supported. See the ioredis repository for full documentation.


As the Redis Provider is not installed by default, we need to pull it from npm:

> adonis install @adonisjs/redis

Next, register the provider inside the start/app.js file:

const providers = [
Redis configuration is saved inside the config/redis.js file, which is created by the adonis install command when installing the Redis Provider.

Basic Example

Let’s start with a basic example of caching users inside Redis:

'use strict'

const Redis = use('Redis')
const User = use('App/Models/User')

class UserController {

  async index () {
    const cachedUsers = await Redis.get('users')
    if (cachedUsers) {
      return JSON.parse(cachedUsers)

    const users = await User.all()
    await Redis.set('users', JSON.stringify(users))
    return users
The above example may not be the best way to cache data – it simply provides an idea on how to use Redis.


All Redis commands are supported as JavaScript functions, for example:

const Redis = use('Redis')

const user = {
  username: 'foo',
  email: ''

// set user
await Redis.hmset('users', user.username, JSON.stringify(user))

// get user
const user = await Redis.hmget('users', user.username)


Redis has built-in support for publish/subscribe (pub/sub) to share messages on the same server or across multiple servers.

AdonisJs offers a clean API on top of Redis pub/sub to subscribe to different events and act upon them.

Set your Redis subscribers in the start/redis.js file:

'use strict'

const Redis = use('Redis')

Redis.subscribe('music', async (track) => {
  console.log('received track', track)
Create the start/redis.js file if it does not exist and load it inside your server.js: .preLoad('start/redis').

Once a subscriber has been registered, you can publish data to this channel from the same or different server:

const Redis = use('Redis')

Redis.publish('music', track)

Available Methods

Below is the list of methods to interact with the pub/sub layer of Redis.

You can only have one subscriber for a given channel.

subscribe(channel, listener)

Redis.subscribe('music', (track) {

You can also pass a file.method reference from the app/Listeners directory:

Redis.subscribe('music', 'Music.newTrack')
'use strict'

const Music = exports = module.exports = {}

Music.newTrack = (track) => {

psubscribe(pattern, listener)

Subscribe to a pattern:

Redis.psubscribe('h?llo', function (pattern, message, channel) {


publish(channel, message)

Publish message to a given channel:

Redis.publish('music', JSON.stringify({
  id: 1,
  title: 'Love me like you do',
  artist: 'Ellie goulding'


Unsubscribe from a given channel:



Unsubscribe from a given pattern:


Multiple connections

You can define the configuration for multiple connections inside the config/redis.js file, and you can use those connections by calling the connection method:

module.exports = {
  connection: 'local',

  local: {

  secondary: {
    host: '',
    port: 6379


Use a different connection to make Redis queries:

await Redis

// hold reference to connection
const secondaryConnection = Redis.connection('secondary')
await secondaryConnection.get('users')


The Redis Provider creates a connection pool to reuse existing connections.

You can quit a connection by calling the quit method passing a single connection or array of connections:

await Redis.quit('primary')
await Redis.quit(['primary', 'secondary'])