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Hooks are actions performed before or after database lifecycle events.

Using model hooks helps keep your codebase DRY, providing convenient lifecycle code injection from wherever your hooks are defined.

A classic hook example is hashing the user password before saving the user to a database.

Defining Hooks

Hooks can be defined in a model class file via a closure, or by referencing any file.method handler in the app/Models/Hooks directory.

Binding Closure

const Model = use('Model')
const Hash = use('Hash')

class User extends Model {
  static boot () {

    this.addHook('beforeCreate', async (userInstance) => {
      userInstance.password = await Hash.make(userInstance.password)

module.exports = User

Hook Within Transactions

To use hooks within transactions just add second param trx into hook closure

const Model = use('Model')
const Hash = use('Hash')

class User extends Model {
  static boot () {

    this.addHook('beforeCreate', async (userInstance, trx) => {
      // here you can use transaction object `trx`

module.exports = User

In the example above, the beforeCreate closure is executed when creating a User model to ensure the user’s password is hashed before it’s saved.

Hook File

AdonisJs has a dedicated app/Models/Hooks directory to store model hooks.

Use the make:hook command to create a hook file:

> adonis make:hook User
✔ create  app/Models/Hooks/UserHook.js

Open the new UserHook.js file and paste in the code below:

'use strict'

const Hash = use('Hash')

const UserHook = exports = module.exports = {}

UserHook.hashPassword = async (user) => {
  user.password = await Hash.make(user.password)

With a hook file.method defined, we can remove the inline closure from our previous example and instead reference the hook file and method like so:

const Model = use('Model')

class User extends Model {
  static boot () {
    this.addHook('beforeCreate', 'UserHook.hashPassword')

module.exports = User

Aborting Database Operations

Hooks can abort database operations by throwing exceptions:

UserHook.validate = async (user) => {
  if (!user.username) {
    throw new Error('Username is required')

Lifecycle Events

Below is the list of available database lifecycle events to hook into:

Event Description


Before creating a new record.


After a new record is created.


Before updating a record.


After a record has been updated.


Before creating or updating a new record.


After a new record has been created or updated.


Before removing a record.


After a record is removed.


After a single record is fetched from the database.


After the fetch method is executed. The hook method receives an array of model instances.


After the paginate method is executed. The hook method receives two arguments: an array of model instances and the pagination metadata.