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Getting Started

Creating AdonisJs data-driven apps is greatly simplified via its powerful Query Builder, Lucid ORM, Migrations, Factories, and Seeds.

In this guide we’ll learn to setup and use the Database Provider.

The Data Provider uses Knex.js internally, so browse the Knex documentation whenever further information is required.

Supported Databases

The list of supported databases and their equivalent drivers are as follows:

Database NPM Driver


npm i mysql or npm i mysql2


npm i mssql


npm i mysql or npm i mysql2


npm i oracledb


npm i pg


npm i sqlite3



If the Database Provider (Lucid) is not installed, pull it from npm:

> adonis install @adonisjs/lucid

Next, register the following providers inside the start/app.js file:

const providers = [

const aceProviders = [
Many AdonisJs boilerplates have Lucid installed by default.


The Database Provider uses the sqlite connection by default.

The default connection can be set via the config/database.js file:

module.exports = {
  connection: 'mysql',

All of the Knex configuration options are supported as is.

Basic Example

The AdonisJs Query Builder has a fluent API, meaning you can chain/append JavaScript methods to create your SQL queries.

For example, to select and return all users as JSON:

const Database = use('Database')

Route.get('/', async () => {
  return await Database.table('users').select('*')

Where Clause

To add a where clause to a query, chain a where method:

  .where('age', '>', 18)

To add another where clause, chain an orWhere method:

  .where('age', '>', 18)
  .orWhere('vip', true)

See the Query Builder documentation for the complete API reference.

Multiple Connections

By default, AdonisJs uses the connection value defined inside the config/database.js file when making database queries.

You can select any of the connections defined inside the config/database.js file at runtime to make your queries:

Since AdonisJs pools connections for reuse, all used connections are maintained unless the process dies.

To close a connection, call the close method passing any connection names:

const users = await Database

// later close the connection

Table Prefixing

The Database Provider can automatically prefix table names by defining a prefix value inside the config/database.js file:

module.exports = {
  connection: 'sqlite',

  sqlite: {
    client: 'sqlite3',
    prefix: 'my_'

Now, all queries on the sqlite connection will have my_ as their table prefix:

await Database
SQL Output
select * from `my_users`


If a prefix value is defined you can ignore it by calling withOutPrefix:

await Database


Debugging database queries can be handy in both development and production.

Let’s go through the available strategies to debug queries.


Setting debug: true inside the database/config.js file enables debugging for all queries globally:

module.exports = {
  connection: 'sqlite',

  sqlite: {
    client: 'sqlite3',
    connection: {},
    debug: true

You can also debug queries via the Database Provider query event.

Listen for the query event by defining a hook inside the start/hooks.js file:

const { hooks } = require('@adonisjs/ignitor')

hooks.after.providersBooted(() => {
  const Database = use('Database')
  Database.on('query', console.log)
Create the start/hooks.js file if it does not exist.


You can listen for the query event per query at runtime:

await Database
  .on('query', console.log)