adonis install @adonisjs/ally
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Adonis Ally is a social authentication provider for AdonisJs. It makes it super easy to authenticate users via 3rd party websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google, so on, with minimum efforts.
Here is the list of supported drivers
Since ally is not installed by default, we need to install it from npm.
adonis install @adonisjs/ally
Next, register the provider inside start/app.js
const providers = [
Installing ally using adonis install
command creates the config/services.js
file if one does not exists. However, you can always access the latest configuration from github.
The configuration must be stored inside config/services.js
file, under an object called ally
module.exports = {
ally: {
facebook: {}
Let’s start with a basic example of Login using Facebook.
Route.get('login/facebook', 'LoginController.redirect')
Route.get('facebook/callback', 'LoginController.callback')
We registered a couple of routes, to redirect the user to Facebook and then handle the response when the user is redirected back from Facebook.
Make sure the auth provider and middleware is configured correctly. |
adonis make:controller Login
const User = use('App/Models/User')
class LoginController {
async redirect ({ ally }) {
await ally.driver('facebook').redirect()
async callback ({ ally, auth }) {
try {
const fbUser = await ally.driver('facebook').getUser()
// user details to be saved
const userDetails = {
email: fbUser.getEmail(),
token: fbUser.getAccessToken(),
login_source: 'facebook'
// search for existing user
const whereClause = {
email: fbUser.getEmail()
const user = await User.findOrCreate(whereClause, userDetails)
await auth.login(user)
return 'Logged in'
} catch (error) {
return 'Unable to authenticate. Try again later'
We have a fully working login system in a few lines of code. The API is consistent across all the drivers, so it is easier to swap facebook
with google
or some other one.
Below is the list of available functions.
Get redirect URL back as a string over redirecting the user.
const url = await ally.driver('facebook').getRedirectUrl()
return view.render('login', { url })
Define runtime scopes before redirecting the user.
You must check the official OAuth documentation of the provider to get a list of available scopes. |
await ally
.scope(['email', 'birthday'])
Fields to be fetched when getting authenticated user profile.
await ally
.fields(['username', 'email', 'profile_pic'])
Below is the list of available methods on a user instance.
Returns the user email.
Some 3rd party providers do not share email, in which case this method returns null.
Returns the access token which may be used later to update the user profile.
Refresh token to be used when access token expires. Available only when 3rd party provider implements OAuth2.
Access token expiry data. Available only when 3rd party provider implements OAuth2.
Returns token secret. Available only when 3rd party provider uses OAuth1.